Monday, June 28, 2010

still waiting

No baby yet. We went to the zoo this morning for some entertainment for Chloe and a good walk for me. I definitely think things are getting closer, but who wouldn't at this point. Feeling lots of things today with some contractions mixed in. Nothing too regular or strong. Tomorrow is the day we go in to the hospital no matter what, but the more my body does on its own the less of a need for pitocin. We'll see!! I can't believe it is already Monday. I can't believe he is not already here but at the same time I can't believe I will be holding my son tomorrow, assuming I don't have a horrendous long labor that pushes his birthday to Wednesday. Just wanted to let you all know. Thanks for your prayers and please keep it up!


Karen said...

Keep on being patient and strong, Sarah! It will be worth it!

April said...

it seems as though babies just like to stay inside of you for as long as possible! these postings are very familiar to when you were expecting baby girl. ...crazy! i'm here if you need anything.