Saturday, July 3, 2010

mr. no name

We are all doing well. Adjusting to being home and getting used to the lack of sleep with a toddler around. He is a hungry little man eating almost every hour. Chloe is still so sweet with him but going through some things too.

I know the next question you all are asking is, what is his name. Well we are those people who left the hospital not knowing our child's name. We have 10 days after his birth to decide and we are taking it. Not all 10 I hope. We are down to 2 names but can't decide. We like both names, can picture him as both, but we have different opinions on our top choice. I didn't think it would be this hard to make this decision or we would be here 4days after his birth without a name. Soon!!! We are deciding soon! I'll let you know when we know. More pictures soon, we have to wait for grandparents to give us all of their pictures.

1 comment:

April said...

LOL too funny. it will be a great story to tell him when he gets older.