Wednesday, July 14, 2010

2 weeks

Ian had his 2 week appointment today and he is perfect! He is weighing in at 8lb 14oz (50%), 21 1/4 in tall (68%) and his head at 14 in (20%). He is a big eater and it shows! The dr. we are with sends out a home care nurse after you are home with your baby. on our first visit Ian was down to 6 and something lbs, losing more then 10.5% of his birth weight. I am not sure why seeing how the little guy was pretty much eating every hour. So the nurse had me pumping and giving him bottles on top of nursing. She came back the next day and he had gained .4lbs. Which was awesome she said. She came back 2 days later, which was 1 week after his birth day and he already surpassed his birth weight at 7lbs and 15oz. All that worry for nothing, I think my milk just hadn't come in enough for him. So any how we were just glad at his 2 week appt. that his weight was still increasing.

1 comment:

April said...

wow crazy! wish i could eat and eat and not gain!!! ;)
glad he is gaining though, little man!

he's beautiful!