Sunday, April 5, 2009

bad blogger

Things have been crazy busy lately, as you might be able to tell by my lack of blogging. Jeremy has been working a ton and also picking up side jobs here and there. It has been exhausting at home without him and with a teething baby. We were counting on March being a crazy month so we could take a big chunk out of our debt. For those of you that don't know we are following the Dave Ramsey plan and trying to get completely out of debt. We are in to April and things have not slowed down. We will take our blessings where we can get them and as long as God provides the work we will do what we got to do. We have committed today to be a family day, no work! So we have been watching movies, relaxing, and making homemade pizza. It has been a great day all together. Also a good time to catch you up. So here are some good doses of Chloe.

1 comment:

April said...

glad that you had a family day!