Friday, November 14, 2008

First flight

This past weekend we flew to Iowa to see Jeremy's brother, our sister-in-law, and our two adorable nieces. Chloe did pretty good on the flights. The way there was tense as I worried about nursing, her ears, and all of the other unknowns. There was crying and dirty looks from fellow passengers, but all in all it went o.k. The flight home couldn't have gone better. No crying, nursed at take off and descending, and a long nap. We were thanked and told what great parents we were at the end of this flight, as if we had anything to do with it. Our visit was so great with lots of catching up and much entertainment from of two little girls!

Kaelia was very sweet with "baby Chloe"

1 comment:

April said...

Wow, keeping busy! So cute. Glad the flight went good.