Wednesday, November 5, 2008

first road trip

My parents keep trying to come up and see Chloe and things just keep coming up to prevent them. The latest thing is that there dog, Chessey, has bone cancer. So they had to amputate her leg to get rid of the tumor. So we decided to drive down to New Mexico to see them. The car ride went pretty well with Chloe only adding about an extra 1 to our usual trip. It was a fast weekend but a good visit. We saw some family, ate like crazy (I think we had green chili at every meal), and Chloe had her first swim.

My Grandpa with Chloe. If I am counting right she is his
13th great grandchild.

My parents had just cleaned and
drained their hot tub so it was at
a good temp and chemical level
for a first swim.
Bailey was dying to get in too!

1 comment:

April said...

So freakin' cute! She has gotten SO big.

That is a classic Sarah smile in the pic with Jason.

And she looks so long in the pic laying on your dad.

And how precious to see Chloe with your grandpa!

I seriously will need my Chloe fix soon!

Glad to hear the car ride went good and safe.