Wednesday, November 25, 2009

catching up

I realize I have been MIA for awhile. I have a great excuse though. My normal blogging times have been taken over by extreme tiredness or nausea. I have had to reprioritize a bit, I am lucky if dinner gets made and my kitchen cleaned let alone an update on our blog. So if you haven't guessed, I am pregnant!!! I am currently 12 weeks along and hoping all this lovely stuff will come to an end with the first trimester.

So here are a few thing you've been missing.

pictures from our Iowa day trip:

more pictures from our Albuquerque trip including the aquarium and botanical gardens.

helping dad fix the dishwasher


April said...

yeah! congratulations! another beautiful gentz/dickinson child on the way!!!

Chloe is so cute! that picture of her on your shoulders is priceless. ...if my dishwasher ever breaks, i'll definitely be calling Chloe! ;)

mosey said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am SO excited for you guys! What a blessing!!!

TheMerkelFamily said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Had no idea. Can't wait to see you at Christmas! Chloe just keeps getting more and more beautiful, just like her mama!