Saturday, September 12, 2009

tomatoes, tomatoes, and more tomatoes

Our tomato plants have finally exploded with red tomatoes. So we had a busy day making and canning spaghetti sauce. Wow, I can not imagine doing this every year and making enough to last all winter! After picking 20lbs from our garden and 4 hours of nothing but tomatoes we got 6 jars of spaghetti sauce. After I finished skinning and squishing the seeds and water out of 1/4 of the tomatoes, I was done. Once we got through that part it was fun and will be fun when we open the first jar to go with our pasta! And we have a ton of tomatoes left to pick but I don't think we'll me doing more sauce, so let us know if you want some!

the farmer himself

Chloe can't wait to eat them

1 comment:

April said...

if you are offering, i would love some tomatoes!