Sunday, July 5, 2009

The 4th

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July! We made it to New Mexico to spend the holiday weekend with my family. It goes way to fast! But there was some good visiting with my parents and then on the 4th we went to my Uncle and Aunts house for a BBQ and swimming. As always there was so much good food, lots of visiting, and lots of laughs! After the sun went down we sat in their front yard and did some fireworks. Chloe wasn't too sure about all the noise at first but she warmed up to them and enjoyed it after a bit.

Our last day in town was an awesome lazy day just with my family. It involved lots of reading and staying in PJ's till the afternoon. Then we went on a nice 4wheel drive to the national forest, and Jeremy almost flipped us, lots of swinging, and it ended with lots of laughing over some games. Couldn't have been a better day! Thanks Mom and Dad!

playing the piano with grandma

Chloe on her first 4 wheel drive, just around the drive way.


TheMerkelFamily said...

It was so nice to see you. Chloe is a doll. I absolutely love the pic of Jeremy's face next to Chloe's. You should definetly put that one in a frame! Hope was NOT a fan of the fireworks, however Isaiah had a great time. Maybe sometime this year We could make a trip out to CO to see you guys. It seems like we never have enough time when you guys are here.

Sarah said...

It was great to see you guys too!! If you like that picture of Chloe, you should see the ones my dad got of Hope!! too cute! It would be great to see you in colorado, your welcome any time.

April said...

oh wow! that looks awesome! those pictures are precious!