Monday, August 11, 2008

almost done waiting

We had another Dr. appointment today. So the latest is that I was dilated enough for the Dr. to strip my membranes (it is as painful as it sounds) to try and get some contractions going. I was starting to show beginning signs of preclampsia. All indications that we feel we should go ahead with the induction tonight. So tonight we will go into the hospital at 8pm where they will put some hormonal substance (I think prostatgladin E-2) on my cervix to get the dilation going. They will try this several times throughout the night. If none of this helps they will either break my water or put me on pitocin, depending on my dilation. So with all that said by the end of Tuesday we should be holding our baby!! She didn't want to come out for Grandpa Raws' birthday, or 8/8/08, but maybe she'll make it for Travis' birthday. I am not looking forward to spending the night in the hospital tonight but we are definitely ready to meet our baby girl!! Pray for us!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jeremy & Sarah...

We are all praying for you!!!! Looking forward to the joyous news - Love you both...

Paul W