Chloe has quickly learned how to ask for more. She does it in the funniest way ever, or maybe we think that because we are her parents. Any how we took a video so you be the judge.
sorry, I can't figure out how to turn the video upright.
and yes she says it like that ever time as she tilts her head.
Chloe showing off a picture of her Baby BROTHER!!!!!
As far as the Dr. could tell from the ultrasound he is looking healthy. We decided against the amniocentesis, and without out that test that can not definitely confirm he doesn't have down syndrome. We are just excited to see him and know that right now everything is looking good.
Some of you have heard and some have not yet, but we keep getting concerned calls so I figured I will fill everyone in on our latest baby news. So back in December we went in for our 15 week appointment and got the Afp4 blood test (which screens for different birth defects). Unfortunately our test came back that this baby has a greater chance of being born with down syndrome then the average baby. It has been a crazy few weeks filled with different emotions, prayers, and waiting. The more we tell people about these results we are surprised to find how many others have heard these results and have had completely healthy babies. In the middle of all of this we are having to switch Dr.'s because of an insurance change. So we had our first visit with the new Dr. yesterday, and don't really have any new news. She said my results gave me a 1/35 chance of having a baby with down syndrome. Still not sure what all this means, but right now we feel we are in a good place and resting in God's peace. We know this is truly God's baby given to us and He will take care of the baby and us. So for all of you that were waiting and praying for that Wednesday apt. keep praying because we have a Tuesday (1/19) apt with genetic specialist. At that apt we will get some super duper ultrasound that will show more. We will also get to find out the sex of our baby at this visit!!! Thanks again for all of your support and prayers!
My belly has officially popped. Which in my pregnancy world also means everything gets bigger, any how that really isn't the point. Chloe has also noticed my belly and it is quite cute. Since we have found out about this baby we have pointed to my tummy and told her there is a baby, still figuring she is too young to get it. But the last few days she will crawl up on my lap lift up my shirt kiss my belly and say baby. It is the cutest thing ever. She'll poke my belly button and try and look in it, maybe to see the baby. Who knows what goes on in her mind, but it is so cute!! She is going to be the best little big sister!
I Forgot about some cute photos that were on my camera from our New Mexico trip. It was pretty cold the entire time we were there, expect for a few day towards the end of our stay. Those days just happened to be the days we got the most snow, but we still had to get outside and take advantage.